About Us
What is the HSC Foundation, Inc.?
Why is the HSC Foundation necessary?
How will funds be generated and used?
- The HSC Foundation is a non-profit private foundation organized to receive and administer funds for protection of the natural resources of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
- This protection includes, but is not limited to, the Hiawatha Sportsman’s Club and its surrounding watershed.
- The HSC Foundation is responsible for seeking and accessing grant money and donations. The grants are available through public or private sectors, and governmental agencies. These procured grant monies will be used solely for various projects the HSC Foundation may be involved in which seek to improve natural habitats, aid in environmentally sound solutions to problematic issues facing our watershed and timberlands, and for the enjoyment of the public, HSC members and their families.
Why is the HSC Foundation necessary?
- The HSC Foundation provides a structured means for members to bequeath donations, memorials, and other charitable contributions for the benefit of HSC, local school support, and HSC Foundation connected scholarship awards to students of Engadine Schools, LSSU, and others. Donors will be publicly acknowledged unless otherwise notified.
- HSC Foundation’s collaboration with the community, county, and other environmentally concerned organizations, increases HSC’s power for seeking and managing resolution(s) to serious environmental issues affecting our Club and its watershed.
- Involvement of the HSC Foundation in generating and allocating grant funds through communal decision-making, aimed at the resolution of environmental issues we face collectively. This collective involvement benefits the Hiawatha Sportsman’s Club and the greater community as a viable player in local, state, and federal considerations.
How will funds be generated and used?
- The HSC Foundation has already begun networking efforts with Lake Superior Watershed Partnership and Land Trust, Inc. We are looking to team with other non-profit organizations as well, seeking environmental and educational grants. Working collaboratively, shared grant monies for particular regional projects, can help offset financially adverse projects needing increased monetary support for completion.